Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ejercicio Reading IELTS - Herd Mentality

Kaplan ha preparado para nuestro curso IELTS este ejercicio de Reading del IELTS.

Verás que los párrafos del texto aparecen númerados con letra (igual que lo estarán en el examen). En este caso, deberás hacer dos tipos de ejercicios.

El primero es identificar los temas (resumidos en un título) sobre los que se habla en el artículo. Como verás, cabe la posibilidad de que te pongan un tema sobre el que NO se habla en el artículo para nada. Así que ¡cuidado! el ejercicio tiene trampa.

En segundo ejercicio deberás decir si el enunciado es verdadero, falso, o no aparece en el texto.

Recuerda que al leer debes buscar "palabras o expresiones claves" que te den el sentido del texto. 

Las respuestas a los ejercicios las encontrarás más abajo.


A. Whenever a large group of people gathers together, there is always a danger that something will go wrong. The worst tragedy which can take place is a crowd surge resulting in a crush. In extreme cases, this can cause death by compressive asphyxia which is where pressure on the chest leaves the person unable to breathe properly.

B. It is often assumed that it is panic which spreads through a crowd which results in an uncontrollable mass only thinking about their own safety. Recent research actually shows people are more likely to act altruistically in times of danger, helping others who are in peril. Their claim is that it is more to do with the management, design and information systems failing than any actions by the participants.

C. With the increasing power of computers, scientists are able to predict how a group will react in a given situation. Crowd Dynamics is a model which is based on three controllable factors which combine mathematics and psychology. The first stage looks at the design of the crowd’s environment, taking into account the way that they will move through a venue as well as any potential bottlenecks. Secondly, the information supplied to the crowd before, during and after the event is evaluated. Finally, how the crowd is managed is studied.

D. A good example of this principle in use is the new Olympic stadium which is being built in East London, England. This enormous arena will be able to hold 80 000 people comfortably in two tiers. Naturally, with this many people together at any one time, it is important to ensure that their movements can be predicted in order to keep them safe.

E. The stadium is built on an island and to facilitate ease of access, five different bridges are being built. These lead the crowds to designated zones which are colour coded. Spectators will be able to see from the colour of their ticket which bridge they need to gain access to their seats. This system automatically means that the crowd can be divided up into much smaller sections of 16 000 and reduce jams.

F. Although at first sight it may seem like a retrograde step, electronic signs are being removed. The thinking behind this is that electrical glitches will not affect the details being given to the spectators. By having more human stewards to help guide the crowds, information can be directed to where it is needed.

G. The final change is to security. There will still be strict checks taking place, but they will be located further away from the venue where the park is wider thus accommodating more people. This will be followed by a more cursory check at the arena itself in the hope that this will keep the flow of spectators moving into the stadium rather than queues developing.

H. Although the programs are not 100% accurate yet, it is hoped that by employing this kind of technology in the development of new venues, it will reduce the risk of serious accidents happening.

 ¿Sabes que puedes preparar el IELTS con Kaplan?

Question 1 

Reading passage 1 has eight paragraphs A – H. Use X if the heading is not used.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list below. 

I. The problems of overcrowding

II. Controlling crowd numbers

III. The assumption of human nature

IV. Changes to security checks

V. How Crowd Dynamics works

VI. What is studied in Crowd Dynamics

VII. Avoiding queues

VIII. The dangers of large crowds

IX. A modern example of Crowd Dyamics

X. Reducing future risks

XI. A way of reducing crowd numbers

XII. True human nature

XIII. A backward step

XIV. Simplifying technology


Questions 9 – 14 

Are the following statements TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN? 

9. The London Olympic Stadium was designed to be built on an island.

10. Removing electronic signs is a conservative step.

11. Crowd Dynamics is based on manageable facts.

12. People usually help others who are in danger.

13. Security checks will be removed from the London stadium.

14. New venues will use computers when being designed.

Question 1
I. X
V. X
X. H
Question 2
11. TRUE
12. TRUE

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